Before requesting a refund, please know that your membership fee helps the WWOOF movement to achieve its goals. WWOOF is not just an online service, but a worldwide network of ecologically conscious people carrying out projects about sustainability.
If you request a refund up to 14 days after registration and have not contacted any hosts, your request will be granted. [1] Once your refund is issued, your membership will be deactivated. It may take up to two business days for the funds to be deposited into your bank account.
If you request a refund up to 14 days after registration and you have contacted hosts, we cannot guarantee your request will be granted (case by case). Please note that if you have contacted hosts, in order for a refund request to be eligible, you must first send a message to each host you are in contact with to cancel any pending or accepted visit requests. Only contact us to ask about the possibility of a refund when you have completed this step.
If you request a refund more than 14 days after registration, your request will not be granted.
We only offer refunds for payments made online.
Please also note there may be additional regulations for granting a refund from country to country: see below.
[1] By law, WWOOF Italy is not authorized to offer refunds on memberships.